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Field Reports
This section is a great place to send in your field reports and game spotting activities such as where you have spotted particular game animals, saw some birds, reporting some fish activity, have some hunting news or fishing news, or noticed something you want to report to other outdoor fans. If you have pictures to go with your sighting add them in the form below. if you have no pictures just add your description. Wondering what to post here? If you spot a flock of snow geese returning from their southern migrations, tell us where and how many. If you spot a herd of whitetail deer out in a field, report it here. If you scare up a flock of prairie chickens, tell about it here. If you capture a great picture of a moose or an elk, or a spectacular photo of your favorite traout stream or walleye fishing hole, tell about it here. You can also post stories and photo in the campfre section, of fish you have caught or game that you have shot. Go ahead and post pictures of your dog bounding through the tall grass and bushes. Want to enter our fishing photo contest? No pictures but spotted some game? Go ahead share the story, you can post your comments without pictures.
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